Avenue 33 Farm is an urban farm in the Lincoln Heights neighborhood of Los Angeles. It's run by Ali Greer and Eric Tomassini, hello!
We started the farm in 2018 on 1.2 acres focusing on building soil through regenerative farming practices. We look to other practices that specialize in farming on hillsides and are working to build healthy soil, stabilize the hillside using trees and perennials while producing the highest quality vegetables and flowers. We are building a system of multistrata agroforestry or a food forest planting many crops in each bed to create an overstory of trees giving shade and deep roots and an understory crop providing a diversity of plant roots for the ecosystem in the soil below.
Feel free to reach out if you'd like, we would love to hear from you ave33farm@gmail.com.
You can read a bit more about what we are doing in the LA Times: https://www.latimes.com/lifestyle/story/2019-10-10/avenue33-urban-farm-grows-in-los-angeles
We are excited to be a part of the farmland program through Kiss The Ground, see more about their organization: https://kisstheground.